sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015

SOCIAL SCIENCE. The relief in Spain.

This week we have explored the Spanish reliefs from a bird's eye view. We travelled from Badajoz to the Pyrenees, Here are some of the views of the Spanish landscapes.

Badajoz is in a plain.

Valladolid is in a very big plateau (Submeseta Norte)

Los Picos de Europa is a mountain range in the north of Spain (Cordillera Cantábrica)

Santander is on the coast at the north of the Península Ibérica (Mar Cantábrico)

And finally, the Pyrenees is the highest mountain range in Spain. It is a natural border with France.
(If you click on the picture you can continue travelling)

Vielha is in the Valle de Arán, a valley in the Pyrenees

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